Michelle Glogovac (00:01.046) Hi, Leslie. Leslie Rasmussen (00:03.015) Hi Michelle, so good to see you. Michelle Glogovac (00:05.078) So good to see you. I'm so happy that we get to talk in person really, not in person, but in person. Leslie Rasmussen (00:11.995) No, kind of zoomy person, kind of in person. I'm looking at you, so what's a person? Michelle Glogovac (00:14.728) Yes, I know it's more than what it has been, but I love it. I loved getting to read your book and getting to know you and our message exchanges. So I can't wait for us to dive even deeper today. Can you introduce yourself to everyone, please? Leslie Rasmussen (00:26.875) Yeah, same here. Sure, I'm Leslie Rasmussen. I go by Leslie A. Rasmussen on my books, but... And I'm an author. started as a TV writer many years ago and stopped when I had my second son because was, the hours were crazy. I've written over 20 essays for Huffington Post and other online sources. And my first book is After Happily Ever After. And my second is The Stories We Cannot Tell. And I just finished my third book, which has a name, but I'm not going to say it yet. Michelle Glogovac (01:01.894) that's exciting. Then you're to have to come back for the third book. I can't wait for that. I loved the story as we cannot tell. was too close to home. Yeah. Can you share a little synopsis of it without giving away any spoilers? I don't like to give spoilers, but we want everybody to want to go read it. Leslie Rasmussen (01:13.758) I know, for a lot of us. Leslie Rasmussen (01:23.789) Sure, it's not a political book at all. It's emotional and compassionate. It's about two women who don't know each other. One is married and Jewish and one is single and Catholic and they both end up pregnant and they end up meeting in a support group. when they find out that there's something very wrong with the babies they're carrying in their second trimester. And they bond and they go through all these decisions and how they affect their relationships and what happens to them and what their decisions are. And it also shows relationships between the love interests or the marriage and how those affect them. And it's really just a very strong friendship story about very tough decisions that you may have to make. And so it's a, it's a, that one is a woman's book, really. It's really for women. The other one that I wrote is for anybody. But I really wanted to deal with women's issues, especially around infertility and pregnancy, because like the book says, a lot of us don't tell our stories because we're embarrassed and we don't want people to know what we went through. Michelle Glogovac (02:33.126) I miscarried with my first child and I remember people saying that we don't share those stories and so I always made the point that I would share it, that I miscarried. I had to have a DNC. It's referred to as an abortion even when it's a miscarriage and I did not know. Well, I didn't know this until I was delivering my son. Leslie Rasmussen (02:49.201) Yes. Which is crazy, honestly. Michelle Glogovac (02:58.804) After the fact and the paperwork came in, they're like, we just want you to go through your medical stuff before you get wheeled in to have your baby. You've had an abortion. I was like, what? No, and my husband's looking at me and I'm like, what is this? And it was the DNC that they were referring to, but how emotional and traumatic can it be as you're giving birth to your first child for them to present this to you? And that's when you realize that this is what it's called. Leslie Rasmussen (03:13.367) You Michelle Glogovac (03:28.298) And I think with. Leslie Rasmussen (03:28.477) Yes, it was called an abortion, and you wanted that baby so bad because I also went through miscarriages, and I had DNCs. And at the time, they didn't call it an abortion. Mine was a long time ago. They didn't say that. But I think more recently, that became the term that they use, especially in this political climate. Michelle Glogovac (03:47.222) Right. And now so more than ever, we won't get political, but I like to say is if you've never had one, let me tell you, it's not something that women are like, woohoo, let me go get one. Oops, I got pregnant again. No big deal. I'll just go get a DNC because it's the most horrific thing I have ever experienced. It turned me into a deep depression afterwards for months. Leslie Rasmussen (03:59.958) Exactly. Leslie Rasmussen (04:14.267) Yeah, I'm here. Michelle Glogovac (04:15.06) It's not something I would wish on anybody. I don't, if we want to go political wise, that would be my statement of no woman is out there having these for fun. Leslie Rasmussen (04:18.379) No. Leslie Rasmussen (04:25.373) Absolutely not and when I wrote the book, I actually decided to write the book long before Roe was overturned I just thought people should see a side of pregnancy where women want this baby more than anything and they're put in a situation that they may or may not decide to have an abortion you have to read the book to see what they decide but It's not something they want to do. They're put in this terrible, terrible position. And then right when I was going to send it to publishers, Roe was overturned. So it became like a quicker, it came out quicker. But to me, it's all about... Whatever you decide, I don't care if you're pro-life, pro-choice, whatever you are, it's having compassion for somebody else's choice that may not be your choice. But it's just having compassion to see that somebody wants this child more than anything. And they're put in this to have to make that decision, which is unfair. It's like you said, the DNC is awful. Who would want to have one of those? Nobody. So to call it an abortion makes it sound negative, which it is negative to you because you're going through it, but it's not what you want. Michelle Glogovac (05:33.494) Yeah. What inspired you to write this story and to share it with the world? Leslie Rasmussen (05:41.831) Well, over the years, my kids are older, they're young adults, but over the years, I have had so many friends that have gone through, whether it's miscarriages, whether it's exactly what these women went through, and I went through something similar, and I just felt like I kept these stories to myself. I did not talk about it. My closest friends at the time, of course, everybody knew, but anybody I met later, I mean, this was 20... nine years ago. So it was a long time ago. So anybody I met later, nobody knew my story. And I wouldn't have shared it because I was embarrassed. I was, you know, at the time I felt like, my God, my body's not working right. So I don't want to tell anybody that I'm a woman. I'm supposed to just have babies. And so I thought there's these stories here about two different women, especially different religions. So they have different things they're looking at, you know, of how and why they would make a choice. And I thought, want people to start talking about this and not feel like they're all alone and know other people have gone through it and know that it's not something that you have to hide and feel embarrassed about. And so that's kind of what made me really want to write the book is just to get it out there. And the reviews have said the same thing. A lot of women have contacted me and said, thank you. You know, I never told anybody my story of what I went through. And I also did a book club. My mother's 87 years old and she had a book club and she invited me and her friends always read my books. And I went for this one. These were women anywhere from 75 to their 80s. And I can't tell you the stories they shared. Now these are women that knew each other really well and did not know each other's stories. And they shared stories with everybody about infertility and miscarriage and also going through ending a pregnancy when it was illegal. And I just, everybody was like, I didn't know you went through, I didn't know you went through that. It was amazing to see these old women talking about this. Michelle Glogovac (07:27.33) Hmm. Leslie Rasmussen (07:45.755) And that's really why I wrote the book. Michelle Glogovac (07:48.378) I love that. I love that you got to witness really the whole reason why you did this. You were able to witness it firsthand. Leslie Rasmussen (07:55.035) Yes. Every time I do a book club, there's somebody in that book club that says, know what, this happened to me or my best friend or my sister or my, whoever. And so, yeah, I got to witness it a lot, which it made me feel good to put it out there. Michelle Glogovac (08:12.118) I love that. Let's go before the book. I want to hear more about your career too of TV writing because I think people will be interested in how different that is than novel writing. Take us back to your career. Leslie Rasmussen (08:26.349) It's very different. So I started, I went to UCLA, I graduated, I went to work at what was Mary Tyler Moore Enterprises, it's now CBS Radford. And I worked on Hill Street Blues, I was just an assistant. And I was fascinated by the sitcoms. So I would go at the time, not the old Bob Newhart Show, but the second Newhart Show, Newhart. was filming and I would go and sit and I started to meet the writers and start to talk to them. I just thought it looked like fun. So I would sit in my office at Hill Street Blues, which was a drama, and I'd started writing sitcoms. And eventually one of the writers that was on New Heart moved to a new show. And she was sort of my mentor and she took my script to her agent that I had written and he really liked it. And so she got me my first script on her show. And so I did that. And then I just went on to do, I did Roseanne and I did the Norm MacDonald show and I did a show that Drew Carey was in right before Drew Carey was a different show. And I worked with Burt Reynolds on Evening Shade. I worked on a whole bunch of shows. And I loved it. I loved it. It was so different though than writing a book because writing a book, you're completely alone. I mean, you know, you're in a room and you're writing and you don't have really anybody to bounce your ideas off of. I will bounce them off my husband because he's an executive producer in television, but it's still, I'm alone writing all the words. And in TV, you have a whole group of people. Michelle Glogovac (09:41.612) Mm-hmm. Leslie Rasmussen (09:57.883) So if you get stuck, you go to them, or if you want to just talk, you go to them and you work out the whole outline in a room with people. Then you write it, then there's rewrites. And so you're always almost being mentored or helped in some way by somebody who's, you know, higher up than you. so books were way harder. I mean, before I wrote the books, I wrote a lot of fun personal essays because I love humor because of my second background. So I like witty dialogue. So I wrote a lot of personal essays for Huffington Post. And then I eventually wrote the books, which took a lot, at least. Now I'm better at it. At the time, I wasn't so good at it. Michelle Glogovac (10:40.108) Do you think that since you were writing on shows to today, have things changed in the way you see how shows are written or the humor that's used? Is there a difference? Leslie Rasmussen (10:54.589) say the biggest difference is that everything has to be much more politically correct. Standards and practices is on them more. know in dramas you can get away with more on some things but not, mean network television is different than like Netflix or whatever, something else. can do whatever they want. Michelle Glogovac (11:12.522) Yeah, or Apple or yeah. Leslie Rasmussen (11:15.643) But I have seen a lot more political correctness going on. But I think the process is the same as far as just going in the room and working on the outline together and then going off and writing and coming back and rewriting. that's the same. Michelle Glogovac (11:31.136) I interviewed Patti Lynn, who wrote End Credits, who worked on Freaks and Geeks and Friends and Breaking Bad and everything. It didn't sound like it was an experience that I'd want to do. She had some horror stories in there. There's the levels of who gets who's writing and, you're out now and we move someone else in, but it's so fast moving too. Leslie Rasmussen (11:34.181) Mmm. Yeah. Leslie Rasmussen (11:57.317) It's fast moving and it's more competitive. like with books, I have met so many wonderful authors who have helped me, you know, promote my books and I promote theirs and there's a lot of nice synchronicity. That is not the case necessarily in television. I think I've worked with some great people, but I've also worked with some very competitive people. where you'll turn in a script and a whole bunch of people will laugh at a particular joke and somebody else will come and go, I don't get it, I think we should take it out. Because they don't want you to get the laugh, they want theirs to go in. it's just, there's much more competition and I have enough bad stories too, but I have a lot of good ones also. I really enjoyed it. Michelle Glogovac (12:40.918) And now your husband's still in it and loving it. So I'm sure you get to live a little vicariously through that too. Leslie Rasmussen (12:46.205) I can't say he loves it, but he still does it. He's honestly the most talented writer I know. So he teaches me a lot. When I write an outline, I give it to him and he edits it just to like make sure everything makes sense. He's really good at that, really good at structure. And he's very funny too. yeah. He thinks it's great to go. Michelle Glogovac (13:08.214) That always helps, I come off sometimes I think it's funny and yet I'm like, I don't know that I'm that funny, but maybe I am. Leslie Rasmussen (13:14.797) No, sometimes I put it down and then I come back and I go, did little elves come out of the drawer and rewrite this? Because it's actually funny. And I don't remember being funny on this, you know, but he thinks it's crazy that I write books because for him, that would be a real big challenge. Because he's like, I could never go back. Yeah. Michelle Glogovac (13:29.964) That's interesting. you know, like writing for a sitcom is all dialogue versus, and I find this, this has been hard for me as I'm attempting a novel. I'm like, yeah, I'm missing all the dialogue. Like there's no dialogue I need to insert. Leslie Rasmussen (13:45.245) I'm the opposite. I'm great at the dialogue and then I have to go back in and put in all the, you know, where it takes place and what it looks like and all that kind of stuff. But see, my husband's also written drama. He's done both over the years. So he kind of knows both formats. But for me, yeah, dialogue is the thing I want to write the most because I just think it's so much fun. And then you have to remember, wait, this person doesn't know what room I'm in. This person doesn't know. I know where they are, but they don't know. So you have to go back in and put in, know. as they say all the senses, sights, smells, everything. Michelle Glogovac (14:19.244) So what would you say you miss from sitcom writing besides the fact that authors are very much more supportive, it's not so cutthroat? Is there something that you miss from then versus now? Leslie Rasmussen (14:33.263) It's a different, I love the author community, but in television, it's just, there's so many people around. There's always somebody to talk to, to bounce ideas off of. I am like an extroverted introvert, if that makes any sense. I really like to be alone, but I also really like to be around people at times. Michelle Glogovac (14:48.064) Yes, same, same. Leslie Rasmussen (14:53.661) And so sometimes it's like, I have to go sit at my computer by myself and write, as opposed to walking into somebody else's office and going, hey, what's going on? And then talking to them for five minutes and then going to write. You know, it's a little different. So that's what I miss the most is the camaraderie from that. And also, I love being on a Yeah, exactly. But I love being on a set, too. I I grew up here in Los Angeles. Michelle Glogovac (15:10.582) feel like that's very similar to a corporate job. Yeah. Leslie Rasmussen (15:19.069) And I have to say the biggest thing for me was I just wanted to be on the set. I didn't care what I did. I just wanted to go to the studio and walk around studios. And when I was 14, used to, before 9-11, could sneak onto Universal's lot. So my friend and I, when I was 14 and she was 15, you could go up the stairs at Bank of America and down the other stairs after you walked through and be on the Universal lot. And we used to do that. And we'd just walk around and try to see what was going on. I just knew I wanted to work in studio. I didn't know what I wanted to do at the time, but I knew that's what I wanted. So I still get that feeling every time I drive on a studio lot. Michelle Glogovac (15:58.159) I love that. And have your kids gotten the bug too? Leslie Rasmussen (16:02.051) My oldest is a writer's assistant and he's written some scripts that have been shot and that's what he wants to do eventually. And my youngest is, he's right now in school for visual effects. So he'll be doing something like that, but just different, not writing. It's in the genes, at least the creative aspect is in the genes. Yeah. Michelle Glogovac (16:21.09) So it's in the jeans for sure. Michelle Glogovac (16:26.562) I like that. Let's go back to the book for a second because I'm not going to give away the spoiler, but there was a part in the book where I stopped reading and I sent you a message and I went, my goodness, did not see that coming. Did you just come up with something out of the blue or did you plan on this little nugget of surprise information that was in the book? Was it planned out or not? Leslie Rasmussen (16:36.857) Yeah. Leslie Rasmussen (16:52.527) It wasn't planned at all. I was writing the book and I got through a certain point of the book and I just, I don't know, it just came to me. It's like, well, what if this happens? I was like, well, people are either going to love it or hate it and think that most people love it. A couple of people, of course, go like, I saw that coming. Okay, fine. Whatever. You're probably the one that goes to read the back of the book to see who murdered the person first. So, Most people didn't see it coming and I loved that aspect. I liked doing something that was a little bit shocking. Michelle Glogovac (17:24.928) because I didn't see it coming. And then once I saw it, I'm like, yeah. Leslie Rasmussen (17:26.641) Good. Then you see the little breadcrumbs. did go back and leave once I came up with that, I went back in and left little tiny breadcrumbs that you wouldn't necessarily know they're breadcrumbs until you see the twist. And then you'd be like, that's because of this, this and this. Yeah. Michelle Glogovac (17:43.104) Yes, it was enjoyable. was, So it was like, that's the suspense everybody. It's not a suspense book. And yet there's an element of suspense you won't see coming. Leslie Rasmussen (17:46.256) I'm glad to you. Leslie Rasmussen (17:52.475) I'm which I'm glad, thank you. Michelle Glogovac (17:57.334) I love that. Can you share with us a little bit about the next book? You don't have to say the title, but what direction are you going in? Leslie Rasmussen (18:02.557) No, I'll show you. So the next book is about three sisters. They're adults, adult sisters, and their single mother, and they have this great relationship. Everything seems great. And then out of the blue, the sisters are told that the mother has committed suicide. and they do not understand why that would be. So they, the three of them leave their lives and move into her house and try to go through figuring out why she would do this. And as they do this, they follow clues to different places and they start to find out that what they thought was who they were and what they, who they thought she was are very different. And they uncover all these clues to her past and their past. Michelle Glogovac (18:45.154) Hmm. Leslie Rasmussen (18:49.841) that they didn't expect. So it's basically like book club fiction with a little mystery because it's also really about their relationships and how things that they couldn't control made them make decisions and do things in their lives up to adulthood that they didn't understand why they were doing. And now that they... Michelle Glogovac (18:53.153) I it. Michelle Glogovac (19:10.85) And how did you get the inspiration for this book? Leslie Rasmussen (19:14.117) This one came because there was a lot of articles at one point a year ago about teenagers that were going off to college. were, parents thought everything was going great. They were telling their parents everything was going great and their parents would find out that they killed themselves. And the parents had no clue why they would do that. And so they had to go and try to find out why they would do that. So I didn't want to do it about a teenager. But, the suicide is not, that's not what the book is about. The book is about the past and figuring out what these secrets and lies were. But I just thought, you know, that's an interesting thing because there are people that do that. And to find out why, you have to really go through and figure it out. So that's, they're all different. Michelle Glogovac (19:57.654) love that your books are also very different. You're not like sticking to one lane. Leslie Rasmussen (20:02.627) No, and I don't know if that's good or bad. mean, you know, they say women's fiction, but my books, like this one really is women's fiction. This one, I had tons of guys read and told me that they were so happy they read it because it helped their marriage. I was like, that's interesting. This one, anybody could read, even though it's about four women, it's from four points of view also. So even though you're still getting what's happening to the mother from her point of view, even though she's not alive necessarily. Michelle Glogovac (20:32.202) like that. with the stories that we cannot tell, you also wrote it from the different points of view. How is that? Do you write each chapter going back and forth or do you write them all from one point of view and then go to the next point of view? Leslie Rasmussen (20:32.303) So we'll go. Leslie Rasmussen (20:37.445) Yes, both women's. Leslie Rasmussen (20:47.207) Well, the first book was from Maggie's point of view. So that was all from her point of view. The second book was from both Rachel and Katie, and I just went back and forth. The third book, I basically did the same thing, the mother, then one sister, one sister, one sister, back to the mother, one sister. So it goes in order of what's going on, but at the same time, you're getting different points of view from each person. Michelle Glogovac (21:11.595) love this and it ha. Leslie Rasmussen (21:11.899) and their lives because I also wanted to go into each one of their lives, the sisters lives. So you can understand the decisions that they made in their lives and why they made them once you find out what really happened. Michelle Glogovac (21:24.384) And how long does it take you to write these books? Leslie Rasmussen (21:27.781) It depends. The first one took me four and a half years. The second one took me just under a year. And the third one probably took about that too. So, and I'm just working on an outline for the fourth, but that one's taking a little bit longer. That one's taking a little bit longer because I've just been so busy that I have to just like focus, you know, and like sit down and get through it. Michelle Glogovac (21:39.967) more to come. I love it. Michelle Glogovac (21:50.346) Well, once you write one, then you have to promote it. And while you're promoting it, you're obviously writing on the next one. It's nonstop. Leslie Rasmussen (21:53.255) But that's second life. Yes. And then the third one, you know, getting it proofread and I'm getting it, you know, and edited and all that stuff. So you're still concentrating on every book and I'm promoting those too. it's a lot. It's a lot of time. Michelle Glogovac (22:07.296) Yeah, it's never ending. I get it. Leslie Rasmussen (22:10.753) And promotions way worse than writing, but you have to do it because otherwise people don't know who you are, you know, so you have to like get your name out there. And this book was, I had a PR firm for both books, but this one was great because of the subject matter. They got me on NPR and they got me on XM radio to talk about it. So, which was really good. So that promoted it pretty well. Michelle Glogovac (22:19.745) Yeah. Michelle Glogovac (22:33.856) And it shouldn't be going anywhere because this is a topic that continues to be on everybody's mind in the news. It's definitely not going anywhere anytime soon. So I can see this lifespan of your book is going to be around for many years to come. Leslie Rasmussen (22:38.415) Exactly. Exactly. Yes. Exactly. That's what you're hoping for. Exactly. And that's why also the book takes place about second term terminations, not first, because first a lot of people have done. I, you know, I felt like I haven't really seen a lot of second term where there's something maybe wrong with baby. So I thought I'm going to write something a little different than everybody else wrote. Michelle Glogovac (23:03.074) Mm-hmm. Michelle Glogovac (23:09.288) I that. I appreciate that you took this on because it is such an important topic, an emotional topic, a controversial topic, and yet the way that you wrote the book, you told the stories, it wasn't controversial. It was truthfully what a woman goes through during these actual moments. It's very real life in a novel form. Leslie Rasmussen (23:18.246) Yes. Leslie Rasmussen (23:33.849) Exactly. And that's what I really wanted. I didn't want it to be political at all. The publisher asked me to put in one line since Roe was overturned. And the only line that's in there was that the characters live in California and they live in Los Angeles. And it's just one line that just says, well, you know, something about the Supreme Court overturning it, but since you're here, it's okay. And that's it. I didn't, I wasn't even going put that in, but the publisher said, I really feel like you need to put that in. Michelle Glogovac (24:05.568) being in California, I get it. We're grateful to be here right now. Leslie Rasmussen (24:07.975) Yeah, exactly. I know. So grateful. Yes, exactly. Michelle Glogovac (24:13.602) Well, Leslie, I appreciate you so much for writing this important book, for talking about stories that aren't being talked about, and for coming on the show. Can you share where everyone can find you and buy your books, please? Leslie Rasmussen (24:26.853) Sure. You can buy my books anywhere. Books are sold Amazon, Barnes & Noble, anywhere. My website is LeslieARasmussen.com. I'm on Instagram at LeslieRAuthor and I'm on Facebook at LeslieARasmussenAuthor. And you can follow me. I'm on Bookbub, I'm on Goodreads, I'm everywhere. Michelle Glogovac (24:51.33) I love it, I love it. Thank you so much. Leslie Rasmussen (24:53.853) Thank you, Michelle. This has been so much fun. I'm so glad we got to talk. Michelle Glogovac (25:00.864) not letting me stop. Leslie Rasmussen (25:04.069) It wants us to keep going. Michelle Glogovac (25:06.336) It's like frozen. Leslie Rasmussen (25:07.805) So we have to go for another hour. Michelle Glogovac (25:11.722) I know, until the next one. That's so weird. It's just going on. Yeah. It says it's starting. It's very weird. Yet the upload is there. Yeah. The stop part is frozen. Leslie Rasmussen (25:17.691) Is it still doing it? I can't. I don't think it's done. Leslie Rasmussen (25:25.117) It's still frozen. Leslie Rasmussen (25:29.917) That is weird. Michelle Glogovac (25:34.53) Well, the ender, I'll have fun with this one. Leslie Rasmussen (25:36.847) No, really. They'll go like, well, where do I cut this off? I don't know. Michelle Glogovac (25:40.93) Yeah, it was at the 25 minute mark. Michelle Glogovac (25:46.678) I don't know if maybe we can do our wrap ups and then we'll end the session and hopefully that'll just do it there. Yeah, hopefully Riverside will catch up at some point, but that was awesome. Thank you so much. Leslie Rasmussen (25:54.257) Yeah. That was great. Thank you. I love the questions. was really, that was really fun talking to you. And it's great to talk to you because you understand the book and what I went through and what you went through. mean, you can relate to all of it, which is really great. Michelle Glogovac (26:11.361) Yes. Yes. And we'll pretend like it stopped recording. But after I had both of my kids, my brother's wife got pregnant and they went in for the blood test to get the gender to see if there was anything wrong. And my brother said, he goes, well, if there's something wrong with the baby, we're just going to abort it. And I was like, what? He's like, yeah, I'm not having a Down syndrome kid. We're just not going to do that. And I was totally blown away. Because we had had these discussions since they were giving me extra tests after the miscarriage. I'm like, well, whatever it is, we'll have it. We're just going to have it. We've wanted a baby, and we didn't have the first one. So different. Leslie Rasmussen (26:53.821) Everybody is different. I have a friend that said to me, which was actually the worst timing, he could have said it to me, but right, he knew I had to end the pregnancy. And he said to me, yeah, if something happens, you know, he got his wife got pregnant and he said, yeah, if something happens to that baby, we're not ending it. And I thought, you know what? That's not the time to say that to me. Right after I had to end a pregnancy that I wanted so much, especially because I didn't have kids. You know, I started trying at 29 and had my first kid at 34. So we're talking a lot of years that, you know, I went through, you know, every six months, there was a miscarriage or something happened and I finally get pregnant and then that happens where I have to end pregnancy. And a friend of mine contacted me after I ended mine, maybe like six months later, she contacted me. She was drunk off her mind. Michelle Glogovac (27:24.348) Mm. Yeah. Michelle Glogovac (27:55.521) Right. Michelle Glogovac (28:02.966) Yeah. Yeah. Michelle Glogovac (28:12.922) none for anything. Yeah, it's incredible. No. Michelle Glogovac (28:23.522) Well, thank you. It's just, I'm like, I don't know what it's going to do, we'll hit, I'll hit the leave thing and then hopefully it'll upload and do its thing. Yours says 92%. Yeah. Cause I have another, I'm like, I'm recording another one in a few minutes. So I need it to work, but it should all be in the cloud or something. hopefully it's, well, it's recording something. So. Otherwise, we'll meet and do it again, I guess, but hopefully it all works. Yes, me too. I love that and I want to read the next book too. Michelle Glogovac (29:08.162) okay. Yeah, yeah. My daughter and I were just in Pleasant Hill last weekend for a writer's luncheon and we're going back up to Concord in two weeks. So yeah. Michelle Glogovac (29:21.75) okay, yeah. haven't gotten, they were a former client in my aviation days. Yes, JetSuite, yes. Michelle Glogovac (29:33.45) Yeah, and they've stopped flying out of San Jose. So now I could have the jam like, yeah, okay. Next. Yeah. Michelle Glogovac (29:44.618) It's still like an hour away. Yeah, it doesn't really help. Timing-wise, I'd just fly southwest. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to put, leave the studio. You can do this. I will, I will send you everything, links, assets, all of that stuff. Yes, thank you so much. You too, so good to finally meet you. I'll talk to you soon. Thanks, bye.