This week Michelle is tackling a question that she gets asked a lot, does podcast size matter? We’re talking download numbers, reach, number of followers, do those numbers really make a difference? When pitching to podcasts, is it important how big of a podcast can we land? Michelle goes into detail on podcast stats and how important they are when you’re a guest on a show. She also touches on the cost of being a podcast guest. Should you be paying? Should the host be paying you? There are lots of vital things to consider when you’re looking into being a quest on a podcast, and Michelle is here to answer those burning questions.
In This Episode, Michelle Talks About
- How important is the size of the podcast?
- Finding your podcast audience
- The cost of being a guest on a podcast

How important is the size of the podcast?
Michelle talks about how when it comes to being a guest on a show, the size of the podcast really doesn’t matter. The show may only have a small number of monthly listeners, but those listeners could be the exact audience that you need to talk to. They could be the right people that need to hear your message. Sure, you could be on a podcast of 500k listeners a month, but if none of them are interested in what you have to say or it doesn’t apply to them, what’s the benefit? Who is getting anything out of the conversation? The show could be a totally different demographic than what you’re looking for. Why waste everyone’s time if you are speaking to the wrong audience?
Finding your podcast audience

The cost of being a guest on a podcast
Michelle recalls a situation that happened recently where she came across a podcast host who wanted to charge an obscene amount to be a guest on his show. Now, he was charging so much because he has ‘millions of listeners and followers’, and wouldn’t that be great to reach all those people? Sure, if they were real listeners and real followers, but they weren’t. Even if this were an honest situation and a show really does have all those listeners and followers, you do not need to be paying to be interviewed on a podcast. So, should a host be paying to have you on the show? No! There doesn’t have to be a monetary exchange to be interviewed on a podcast. There are many ways that a show can monetize themselves without charging their guests.