I was chatting with my new friend Ann this week and she asked me about what I did and who I worked with. It was amazing to see her connect the dots instantly and say, “you’re what people in the c-suite or with longtime careers need to create their personal brand.”! YES!!!!
The Definition Of “Entrepreneur” Has Expanded
There’s a misconception that podcasts are only looking for guests who are entrepreneurs. Let’s be honest, the definition of what an entrepreneur has completely changed over the years. It used to be that you had to actually create or invent something to be considered an entrepreneur. Today, the definition that comes up when you Google “entrepreneur” is anyone who organizes or operates a business and takes on the financial risk. This really expands who is considered an entrepreneur, therefore you should automatically know that podcasts are looking for more than only guests who have invented something.

Podcast Topics
With millions of podcasts and millions of listeners, there’s quite literally a podcast on every single topic you can imagine, therefore, guests of all backgrounds and careers are needed. Entrepreneurs or business owners are great because they can offer up how they launched their businesses, the struggles of their journey, hiring, financial hurdles and more, but people also love to hear from those working in corporate and how they manage others or their work/life balance (which we know is a BS concept!) or how they’re launching their personal brand while maintaining their corporate job. Podcasts allow us to hear from our favorite celebrities but also the authors who help us escape reality through their words or from comedians who make us smile.
What Podcast Listeners Want
With the continuous goal in mind of sharing your story, expertise and knowledge with others, everyone can be interviewed on podcasts. Listeners aren’t only wanting to learn or be entertained, they also want to be inspired and motivated, to know they aren’t alone. I’ve been interviewed about my pulmonary embolism last year and have represented an incredible woman who was the recipient of a heart and kidney transplant. Stories like ours allow others to know they should remain hopeful and also advocate for themselves.
Audiences don’t just want to hear from entrepreneurs and how they built their businesses, they want to discover how c-suite executives and corporate leaders climbed the ladder, faced challenges and kept going. They want to discover nonprofits who have a purpose that aligns with their values and to find out how they can help make a difference.
I’ll be sharing in more detail how nonprofits, c-suite execs and those who are wanting to motivate and inspire can utilize podcasts to their fullest extent. In the meantime, if you’re wondering if you should be interviewed on a podcast, the answer is yes. Podcasts are literally changing the world, one story at a time.