How Your Mindset Can Help Your Podcast Interviews
Getting in the right mindset helps build your confidence. Podcast interviews, like any media interview, can seem daunting when you’re just starting out. I advise my clients to prepare for their interview to alleviate any intimidation by listening to a couple of episodes, checking out the host’s social media and website…get to know them! Doing this will make it feel like you’re not talking to a stranger.
But what if you’ve done your homework on the show and host and are still having interview jitters?
These are the 3 most common worries I hear from clients and what I tell them in order to create a mindset shift.
Podcast Interview Mindset Shift #1
Myth: My story isn’t special “special” enough for others to want to hear it.
Mindset Shift: Yes, others may have a story or experience similar to yours, BUT the way you tell your story is unique to YOU. There is no one in this world who can tell your story, share the details or the life lessons better than you can.
Podcast Interview Mindset Shift #2
Myth: I’m not good at public speaking.
Mindset Shift: A podcast interview is simply a conversation with another human being. It can be hard not to think about the many potential listeners, but you have to focus on the moment in which you’re recording the interview. It’s simply a conversation with another person. It’s intimate and something just between the two of you. Don’t let a fear of speaking to a big crowd be what stops you from sharing your story and knowledge.
Podcast Interview Mindset Shift #3
Myth: There are bigger people than me who should be interviewed.
Mindset Shift: Size doesn’t matter. Your story, your knowledge and your perspective are what people will find inspiring. Have you ever listened to a podcast and someone famous shares something that you know you could have spoken on but with a lot more knowledge and depth? This is why you shouldn’t be concerned with how big of an audience you have…it’s your story and message that matter.
Don’t let these apprehensions stop you from pitching yourself and recording podcast interviews that will change lives. Imposter syndrome lives in all of us, but we have the tools to squash it. Podcast interviews are one of the most powerful platforms that allow for good to be spread, inspiration to be lit and change to be made.