Boundaries sounds like such a negative word, but I think it’s not only something positive you should do for yourself, but it’s a MUST! Creating boundaries is a form of self-care and self-respect and should be practiced early on in life. By creating non-negotiables, you are protecting yourself both in your personal and professional life. Setting boundaries doesn’t seem to be something as necessary when we are talking about friendships, but clear boundaries need to be set with regards to our work life, especially when you are a business owner and with family members.
At the end of the day, it’s all about respect for yourself and for others.
What we’re talking about
– Knowing When & How To Create Professional Boundaries
– Creating Personal Boundaries When It Comes To Family
– Boundaries Are A Form Of Self-Care & Self-Respect
Knowing When & How To Create Professional Boundaries
When you have a corporate 9-5 job, chances are you don’t have too much say when it comes to boundaries and when you want to work, BUT you can ensure there isn’t an expectation to work once you’re off the clock. As a business owner, one of the perks is getting to make your own hours, so if you don’t want to work weekends, then no one is telling you that you have to. I’ve struggled with answering emails at all hours and have finally turned off my notifications so that I’m not constantly feeling the need of checking in and being present.
Creating Personal Boundaries When It Comes to Family
Creating boundaries in regards to family members can be a tough one. Whether it’s inappropriate behavior, unsolicited advice, inviting individuals to events that simply don’t belong there or anything else; if you’ve voiced your wishes, but they aren’t met, then it’s up to you to let them know that you’re just not ok with it. People make decisions out of comfort and not courage, so you have to be the courageous one and stand up for yourself. Trust me, you’ll feel good for sticking to your guns and standing up for yourself.
Boundaries As A Form Of Self-Care & Self-Respect
You are responsible for taking care of yourself and creating boundaries to ensure that you are treated with respect and able to live the life you want, is definitely a form of self-care and self-respect. If someone can’t respect the boundaries you create, then they aren’t deserving of being in your life. We have one life to live, so it’s important that you live your best life.
Be courageous and do what’s best for you.
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